Lush Cosmetics Get Tested
Integrated Ad Campaign
LUSH Cosmetics has a long history of producing environmentally conscious products with ethical and cruelty free business practices. This campaign promotes these core brand values in several ways with the overarching concept that LUSH has hired an all-animal run ad agency to promote their products.
First, to kick off the campaign, the animal ad agency puts out a campaign to recruit human test subjects with the call to action GET TESTED. Supporting this idea, a Human Testing Lab pop-up event will happen in key retail markets allowing consumers to "text out" their products in a fun way. Online the campaign goes further by initiating a cosmetic buy-back program on social media allowing people to receive free LUSH products by posting a photo of themselves discarding any non-natural beauty product.
Target Audience:
18-34 years old Women with a HHI of $35+K
who value high quality natural products that are good for their bodies and produced with cruelty free and environmentally friendly standards.
Key Message:
Buying Lush Cosmetics makes you feel happy
inside and out because they are an ethical company that doesn’t test on animals.
People feel good supporting a company that aligns with their own value system.